Dear Friends,

Bremen with my Band
I am so happy that my website is hitting off so well. I am having a blast right now rehearsing for my Premiere concert in Bremen on the 14th of March. Check out our first rehearsal, I am sure it will bring a broad smile on your face.

Home Life & Style
Also I am starting a new project called HomeLife&Style were I will be sharing some of my deco tricks with simple kitchen tools. The philosophy is to make one homes and life inspirational without spending loads of money nor having to buy a chainsaw. Once a month I wanna share with you my newest hypes. I hope it will inspire you. There is even a Valentine creation on right now and for spring I want to get us all out walking in the woods with family or friends and bringing the beauty of nature into our homes.

Perfektes Promi Dinner
Yes, I did get to eat with some famous people on the 8th of February. You can watch me trembling trying to make the perfect Dinner for Hans Meiser, Bernd Römer and Kerstin Landsmann on Vox TV at 20:15. Probably the most exhausting week of my life that won me some really cool friends. But promise me not to laugh hahaha

Christmas Tour
There are some new Tour Dates for a Advents Christmas show. I want it to be a magical emotional show and that's why we are working on this already.

Uuuuuiiiiiii I have the feeling 2009 is gonna be rockin.